

I'm in stop mode now. Lots of athletes go thru the ups and downs of aches and pains, and we toe that fine line between the usual ache and unusual pain. I have officially entered the bad pain zone, although I always advise others to keep from getting to that point! I could use a bit of my own advice I suppose!
I am writing this morning with a block of ice on the floor next to a foot bath full of hot water in which my feet are happily soaking. Soon it will be back to the ice again....and then back and forth.
I have been having the ugly ache for a while, but decided to run the Larry Fusiler 25k yesterday anyway. I could have made the better choice to sleep in then ride my bike again, but I figured what the heck, I'll run Well, NOW she pays!

So, training for today includes a LOT of therapy and no running. maybe a little hobbling around!

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